One of our friends kept trying to get pregnant by monitoring her cycles with the precision of Natural Family Planning (NFP). She showed her doctor the charted history of menstrual periods, body temperature and mucous consistency among other gross things. The doctor was able to pinpoint several instances where she must have conceived, embedded and then flushed it out with what seemed to be just a heavy period. They were finally able to stabilize a pregnancy with daily hormone injections and they now have two healthy sons.
Young punk kids in love get married and never hear about how much time they will spend
- trying to avoid getting pregnant,
- fighting about when they should try to get pregnant,
- then trying to get pregnant,
- then trying to figure out why they can't get pregnant or stay pregnant,
- then getting pregnant and dealing with babies and children and wondering why Anne Geddes never popularized crowning or that sleepless midnight mother's look or poop stains on carpet or cracked, bleeding nipples or toddlers with inorganic objects up their nose,
- then fighting about how many of these kids they really need,
- then trying to avoid getting pregnant again,
- and eventually trying to remember a time when sex wasn't a loaded gun waiting to shatter all our plans if not performed ever-so-carefully with cold, scientific charts and precision.
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